The accused man that is linked with the Italian mafia was listed down in the top ten gamblers of the Star Gold Coast even after the individual was restricted by Crown Melbourne back in 2014. He was also restricted 7 months later by the New Wales Police from being able to attend The Star, which is located in Sydney.
An investigation into whether or not Star meets the requirements to maintain a gambling licence in Queensland found that a statement in the Sydney Morning Herald on a person’s possible ties to Italy’s ‘Ndrangheta didn’t result in a restriction in Queensland.
Howard Steiner, who is the Star’s general manager of anti-money fraud, has spoken with the inquiry that the same individual would be restricted from the company under its present policies.

“Clearly this is a feature of the compliance strategy or appetite for risk culture of the past that does not exist today.” This is what Steiner had informed the inquiry back on the 25th of August.
Additionally, Mr. Steiner was asked how the anti-money fraud crew at Star was able to determine whether or not the New South Wales police had blocked a woman who is a patron despite the fact that the crew did not have a membership to the news organisation which had reported the incident.
Mr. Steiner replied with, “This is indicative of an operational sclerosis that may have existed at the time, which is certainly not a feature of today’s program.”
During the inquiry, it was revealed that Star had difficulty verifying the identification of persons who had been restricted since the identities of these individuals were spelled/written differently in various news outlets.
Steiner further stated that he was unaware of any sorts of reporting duties for Star whenever the company gave particular clients presents that may have totaled up to around $50,000.
Afterwards, Mr. Steiner was asked regarding Star handing out cash as gifts of upto $20,000 to banned personals would catch the eye of the anti-money fraud crew. His response was: “Generally not.”
He further added that the procedures of the policies of Star regarding gifts are “discretionary comps” and that it was up to the respective casino departments.
Mr. Steiner further added that “Discretionary comps are probably addressed in various, or should be at least, addressed in the specific documents for those casino departments that are involved in giving those gifts or approving them.”
The case is expected to continue.
(Source: The Guardian Australia)